As the autumn approached I was 11lbs away from my target weight of 9 stone. I had worked my ass off!!! My confidence was back and I was starting to love the new body I was in. I thought maybe it’s time to meet someone?
Because of my work & gym schedule I never really had the time to meet people so I decided to try online dating. After what seemed like a swim through a sea of creatures and oddballs I stumble across a guy I thought was attractive, tall, handsome and even a personal trainer! I had every confidence at first of sending him a message but after I saw how good looking and intelligent he was my insecurities hit & I told myself he would never like me.
He messaged me!!
I was sure he was a fake; a catfish! I tried to play it cool & even asked for photos and phone calls to prove it was him! We spoke for a while & then arranged a date to meet up…. Voices in my head were constantly telling me “he won’t find you attractive not in that outfit” & “I bet he only fancies really fit girls” I was doubting all my hard work over the last 9 months.
After a few dates & weekend trips to see each other it was obvious we were together, all my insecurities were disappearing again with his help. He knew my past & how I wanted to change my body & most importantly my mentality towards fitness…
So we did